Leader Resources

Leaders of Pack 29, Welcome.
This area is to assist our leaders with various resources to make their job as Den leader just a little easier.
Useful Info:
Burger King @ Jurupa Spectrum sells ice for $1 a bag.
Places available for Den Meetings: Emeritus, Park & Rec Center, Round Table Pizza, Burger King on Limonite.
Quick Links to important places:
California Inland Empire Council BSA (our local council)
Boy Scouts of America BSA
Mt. Rubidoux District Home Page
Leader Training:
Mt. Rubidoux District Training
BSA Online Learning Center: Has the New Leader Training program and many other courses that can help adult leaders deliver quality Scouting experiences to youth. Get certified in various areas of Cub Scouting, including the basic training and advanced training such as Trekking, Weather, Water Safety and more. Sign up, use your BSA # and all your training will be recorded at the Redlands Council.
BSA Leader Training - Shows the types of Leader Training available.
Inland Empire Council Training: Lists the major training events coming up.
Resources for New Leaders - Flyers and basic descriptions of what leaders, cubmasters do. Has a New Leader Kit and Scouting Highlights which talks about the things you will address in your leader role.
HAT Training (CIEC High Adventure Team) - for all Leader or Volunteers, counts for the Leader Wood Badge.
Guide for Safe Scouting
All National Council Forms (a huge list of everything)

Commonly Used Forms:
New Scout Application: English or Spanish
Adult Leader Application: English or Spanish
Den Chief Application
Tour Permit - Tour Permit Policy from Council
Activity Consent Form
Annual Health and Medical Form
Uniform Inspection Sheet for CubScouts
Uniform Inspection Sheet for Leaders -“Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I’ll show you a poorly uniformed leader.” - Robert Baden-Powell
Scout Specific Resources
Generic Monthly Activity Planning Guide
Tiger - Tiger Achievement Planning Guide - leaders can use this to plan their acheivements over the year. Den 8 used this, but if requirements change contact the PR guy and I'll make changes to fit your needs.
Helpful hints for beginning Tiger Den Leaders
Wolf - Wolf Achievements Planning Guide, this is an easy to use sheet to help you plan your den's achievements over the course of the year. This is something Den 8 has made up, so it's not an official document.

Webelos Overnight Checklist
Webelos Pin Worksheets - All the Worksheets combined into one document along with the Webelos Badge and Arrow of Light Award Requirements.
Useful Resources:
US Scouting Service Project: Cubmaster.org - A Scouting resource guide. Info about ceremonies, leader hints & tips, leader guide, pack organization.
Cub Scout Activity Guide - Ideas on how to run a successful Cub Scout den.
Activities - a huge list of various Cub activities for a den.
Cub Scout Advancements - a guide from USScout project
Cub Scout Ranks - brief description of the Cub Scout ranks
Academic & Sports Program - brief description of how Cubs can earn academic and sports beltloops and pins.
Conducting Ceremonies - Openings, closing, arrow of light, flag retiring, webelos badge advancements.
Camping Location Guide - California camping info for scouts from the Local Order of the Arrow
Camping Spots - a collection of places nearby for our boys to camp, I've checked these places out myself.
BSA Fieldbook - guide from BSA on outdoor activities i.e trekking and such.
Cub Scout and Webelo Insignia Guide
Insignia Guide: Cub Scout Advancement
Religious Emblems for Cub Scouts
Scoutarama scout songs
Macscouter songs
All kinds of songs
The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits - a little old (about 10 years) but has lots of stuff in it.
Big book of skits (I downloaded for you & it's here in our library) see below
MacScouter's Big Book of Scouts -- More Skits -about 5-10 more skits not in the big book of skits. When I get around to it I'll added them to the book.
Istrouma Area Council 1995 Pow Wow Book - more skits
Indian Nations Council 1994 Pow Wow Book -
Leader Skits -
Short Skits, Walk-ons and One-liners - I also downloaded it in pdf at the bottom of this page.
Books on Skits @ Amazon
Leader Awards (something to work towards or nominated for):
Tiger Den Leader Award - Progress tracking sheet
Cub Scout Den Leader Award - Progress tracking sheet
Webelos Den Leader Award - Progress tracking sheet
Cubmaster Award - Progress tracking sheet
Cubscouter Award - Progress tracking sheet for someone active in the pack besides a leader.
District Award of Merit
Silver Beaver Award
Silver Beaver Award form from CIEC, a little different than the BSA one. Due by November15th.
Wood Badge - Wood Badge for the 21st Century is a leadership training course designed for all adult Scouters Flyer on Wood Badge. Class coming up in May 2010.
Wood Badge Pocket Card -Show off your snazzy achievements with this card.
Various Awards:
National Summertime Pack Award
Penguin Club Award - for Webelos camping in cold conditions
Cub Scout High Adventure Award - for Cub Scouts, application must have copy of Tour Permit attached.
Silver Buffalo Award - for distinguished service to youth is awarded to those persons who give noteworthy and extraordinary service to youth.
Firebird Trail
Webelos under the Stars
Mt. Baden-Powell
Akela Award
Home Town Historic Sites
Webelos Cycling
Jungle Book Award
CIEC Camps Penguin Club
Other neat links:
National Scouting Museum - Did ya know there was such a thing!
Good Turn for a America - A Good Turn Daily!
Scouting for Boys - the original book by Robert Baden-Powel, download read, learn and educate. Download it at the bottom of this page. Buy the original book, Scouting for Boys
All Pins and Requirements Combined.pdf
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