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Pack T-Shirt Orders

posted Aug 26, 2010, 4:24 PM by Cub Scout PackTwentyNine [ updated Sep 7, 2011, 10:37 AM ]
We are going back to the original Pack t-shirt that is blue with an eagle on it.(Class B uniform) and are now taking orders. We do have a minimum order so please sign up for your new shirt as soon as you can.
Our vendor has told me he can put the Pack 29 logo on long sleeve t-shirts, sweatshirts and tank tops as well as our typical t-shirts.
Class B t-shirt costs are as follows:
-Youth sizes and Mens sizes to Large are $10,
-Womens cut t-shirt
-Mens XL & above are $15.
Costs: Not sure
Contact: Cindy Labore
Phone: 951-334-8827